As a prestigious escort service agency, we pride ourselves on our discretion and confidentiality.
Your private information is protected by the agency and will not be shared with any third party.
Your comfort and safety is always our number one priority.
Furthermore, our clientele are affluent gentlemen who have undergone a screening process to ensure your safety. As a well-established agency, a vast majority of our clients are regulars or return callers. We aim to give you peace of mind so that you can leave your concerns to us and focus on the work that you enjoy.
At Ace Escorts, we provide detailed training for those escorting for the first time. Whenever you need support, we are there for you.
And we haven’t mentioned the best part yet- the perks. 5-star hotels, winning and dining at the most extraordinary restaurants, attending prestigious events, and travelling to different destinations. All part of the glamorous lifestyle of a high-class VIP escort. All this is on top of the lucrative
compensation you receive to provide you with financial freedom. Ace escorts are high-paid and living the high life.
If you feel like an Ace in a deck of cards, join our team of high-class escorts in Sydney.
To arrange a confidential interview, please contact us at:
+61 497 777 199 or emailĀ with the words “Employment Inquiry” placed in the email subject line.